Yoga Therapy
My Yoga Practice
I believe strongly in the power of Intention, especially when joined with our focus on the mind, body, and spirit connection! It is this same balanced, 'integrated', and holistic approach to physical, emotional and spiritual health that I commit to my own personal practice. I have found it to be a powerful, fulfilling and successful way to stay healthy, young in heart and body/mind, manage stress and stay focused in the present. We live in an uncertain world and it takes our strongest Intentions to thrive!
I have practiced yoga for thirteen (13) years - three days a week in studio with a daily home practice as well. I am grateful to have practiced with my Mentor (Tymi Howard/Guruv Yoga) and received my 200 e-RYT and 500 RYT. Additionally, I have certifications in Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra, and a certification as well from Yoga Gangsters (teaching Yoga to at risk Youths).
Some of the teachers with whom I have studied and am entirely grateful for include: Tymi Howard (Guruv Yoga), Kellie Adkins, Sri Ekan (Lake Center Yoga), Bo Forbes (Yoga for Emotional Health), Judi Moolten (Body/Mind Institute), and many, many more.......Pranam
Guruv Yoga Class Schedule
I teach weekly at Guruv Yoga in Lake Mary, Florida.
Hatha Yoga - Monday Nights, 6:30-7:15pm
Mindful Movement - Thursday Mornings, 10:30-11:30am
Sign up for class in advance at: https://guruvyoga.com/
Group Therapy
For six (6) years I have been partnering with my dear friend and practiced yogi, Lorraine Turner, to bring a unique blend of yoga and group therapy to those who struggle with chronic emotional or physical pain, PTSD, and other challenging life problems through Intentions Yoga. Our approach includes mind/body and mindfulness practices, meditation, and Yin and Yang yoga asanas. It is our desire to provide a comprehensive, holistic approach to our client centered yoga therapies. Our goal is to assist each client in finding "the way to their core, a way of living from their core, and to develop ways to sustain living from our core" Mark Nepo. This is all in service a living a more full, meaningful and Intentional life!
Individual Yoga Therapy
In addition to my yoga group therapy practice I offer private yoga therapies in my clinical practice with Individuals, Couples and Families. Yoga therapy combines the use of both Western psychology and Eastern Mindfulness practices to restore overall health. The latest studies on trauma prove to us that for full recovery from trauma we can not depend on Cognitive Therapies alone - we need to get the body involved to achieve healing and health. In my yoga studio, I offer these services to complement our therapy work:
Meditation Training
Breath Practices
Mindfulness Training
Therapeutic Yoga Practices: Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Yoga Nidra (guided meditations)
Assessment and treatment of muscular/skeletal issues, postural habits and the Emotional/Mental issues that inform them.
Cognitive/Behavioral Practices
Holistic Health suggestions - Informed from the Ayurvedic Traditions
The combination of Eastern practices along with Western Cognitive Behavioral Therapies more powerfully and effectively heal our body/mind. Trauma informed therapy encourages development of self awareness, gentle self inquiry and self regulation.
Start a new relationship with yourself now.

"Science has proven that meditation actually restructures your brain and can train it to concentrate, feel greater compassion, cope with stress and contribute to overall health"
Deepak Chopra